Emotions Regulation Skills Workshop:
Free yourself from the leash of emotions, create healthy relationships and life you love.
If you’re fed up with how u feel, and want to be free of the chains of your emotions this workshop may be the solution you’re been looking for.
Do you dislike how you behave when in pain?
Do you have severe anger outbursts?
Are your anger outbursts so severe that you feel out of control and tend to feel bad about what you said or did?
Are you feeling disconnected, alone, and misunderstood?
Do you feel lonely even in the presence of other people? Like no-one is going through what you’re going through or that no-one can understand what you’re going through?
Do you seek comfort in self-harm?
Has your pain been so severe and you found no way to self-soothe except some sort of self-harm like cutting.
Do you feel that you have more potential than you are realizing?
Do you feel that you have talents or strengths that you are not putting into practice because something is blocking you or your emotions are in your way?
Finally, do you feel like you will always feel this way and nothing can ever change that?
Managing our emotions and our relationships can be a difficult task especially if you are a highly sensitive person. So what’s the solution? Are you going to live the rest of your life in conflict and emotional turmoil unable to enjoy life as you see others doing?
You don’t have to continue feeling or living like this.
This workshop was created to guide you to manage your overwhelming emotions, negative thoughts, and harmful behaviors.
You Will Learn:
- Emotional regulation skills
- Learn about emotions and their functions.
- Manage and reduce your vulnerability to unwanted emotions.
- Increase emotional resiliency when the feelings do come up.
- Stop the negative self-talk and automatic negative thoughts.
- Not follow destructive urges
This is an interactive workshop that is grounded on the evidence based Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training that was developed to treat people with Borderline Personality Disorder. To help them deal with their overwhelming emotions, their impulsivity, and relationship problems.
For years this disorder was thought to be untreatable until this therapy was developed.
This workshop brings you the Gems of the very powerful DBT skills training and more.
By joining this workshop you will learn, practice and have a chance to implement your new learning in a supportive environment.
The goal of the workshop is learn to manage our emotions to live a value led life in order to find happiness and fulfillment.
Who is this workshop for?
Who are highly sensitive or who simply want to better deal with their emotions
Who are affected negatively by their high emotional sensitivity
Who have strong urges to act in ways that may be harmful to themselves.
About the Group
The group consists of 4-8 people who are also struggling with Emotion Regulation.
Start date: 6:00 PM -7:30PM
Timing: Sunday October 2nd
Location: Sheikh Zayed
PRICE & Payment Options:
5,000 LE One-Time Payment
1800 LE three Payment
For reservations and more inquires please send us a Whatsapp message or call us on (01060838626).
About the Therapists:
Dina Farid
- Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- National Certified Counselor (NCC) from the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC, USA)
- Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
- ADD Coach Academy
Yasser Gaber
- 19 years of experience as an addiction counselor
- Certified Addicitons Couselor
- CBT, DBT,  Schema Therapy Trained

Marwa Higab
- BA Psychology
- Schema therapist
- DBT therapist
- CBT Therapist

If you are ready to understand and address your personal or relationship challenges, or if you have additional questions about group therapy, I encourage you to call (01060838626) for a complimentary, commitment-free 10-minutes phone consultation.
A screening process is required before joining a group to ensure there is a good fit between you and the group which you join.